Saturday, April 14, 2012

I remember back in the day everyone had Xanga. This was the beginning for us. I started using Facebook in 2004 but quickly got off recognizing the inherent dangers.

Recently, however, I joined Twitter in order to follow professionals and experts in the education field to keep up to date on the current happenings in education. I was on there for at least a week, constantly checking for updates. Last night I felt it was too much and shut down the account on a whim. Sometimes you get these impulses to do something good, whether it is avoiding a potentially bad situation or giving charity. These need to be acted on immediately before logic takes over and you change your mind.

When I awoke this morning, I went on the computer and felt locked. After checking my email, I didn't know what else I was supposed to do. With no Twitter to check updates on, my time feels so much more open. It feels like I dropped an addiction. Then why am I posting here? :)

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