Sunday, November 9, 2008

Just like the moon paled in comparison with beauty of the Messenger of Allah's (sallahu alayhi wa sallam) mubarak face, the events and celebrations of this life pale when compared to the amazing victory of the believers on the Day of Judgement.

Please make dua that I can be among those people on that Day.

And those who are careful of (their duty to) their Lord shall be conveyed to the garden in companies; until when they come to it, and its doors shall be opened, and the keepers of it shall say to them: Peace be on you, you shall be happy; therefore enter it to abide.

And they shall say: (All) praise is due to Allah, Who has made good to us His promise, and He has made us inherit the land; we may abide in the garden where we please; so goodly is the reward of the workers.

And you shall see the angels going round about the throne glorifying the praise of their Lord; and judgment shall be given between them with justice, and it shall be said: All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.


1 comment:

MoCo said...

Assalamu alaykum

Ameen. hey make dua for me too Abu Abyaad.