بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
After the rigorous but rewarding studies at school, we had a break from school for two weeks at the beginning of this month. I considered where to stay during the break. My parents have said that if I go back to stay with them, they'll charge me rent. I coonsidered some friends' houses but I'd be too much of a burden. Thus, I thought the most logical way to take advantage of this time off would be to wander in the wilderness of the mountains of Colorado.
Several months before, I began acquring the necessary supplies to make my trip successful including:
I departed on June 6th after Darul Hikmah Academy and was dropped off by some guy at the local airport.
Once I arrived in Denver via an aeroplane, -->
I was picked up by a very patient local whom I met on (and incidentally runs) a website called ColoradoMuslims.com. Then, after eating delicious tacos and discussing some of the finer points of fiqh in general and usool ul-fiqh specifically, I slept one mile above the level of the sea. In the morning after a wonderful breakfast, we drove to the mountains for me to being my hike.
Continued whenever I get around to it...
P.S .
Assalamu alaykum,
Dude thats amazing! wheres the rest? you must continue posting this adventure.
Jazakallah khair,
When is part two coming out?
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