Now there is nothing quite remarkable about this pretty looking bug, but once I turned out the lights, the thing glowed like nothing I've ever seen. I freaked out and looked all over for someone to share this amazing moment with. Unfortunately, my parents were fast asleep and no one else lives here. I proceeded to turn on and off the light and watch the beautiful glow.
I then decided the best way to immortalize this moment and share it with someone would be to take some pictures of the beautiful creature of Allah. I took many pictures though most did not turn out that well. The ones that did were taken using a thirty second exposure in almost complete darkness. Many thanks to my parents for giving me my amazing camera with which I took these pictures (Nikon D3000).
Now the last thing we wanted was for someone to accidentally step on this incredible proof of Allah's creation during their late night excursions, so my dad was nice enough to put up this sign:
P.S. It's lilac time again!
Amzing photography skills!
Amzing photography skills!
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